Page 21 - BPW UK ANNUAL REVIEW 2021-2022 - PART I
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Debtors and Prepayments consist of outstanding membership fees and the element of insurance
that is prepaid up until 1 March 2022. Creditors and accruals are MEF donations not paid over by
the end of December.
As at 31 December 2021 the balance on the General Fund stood at £26130 and we held a total of
£3691 in Investments (consisting of £2000 National Savings Bond and purchased during 2021
£1690 Probus Bond 3.5% Loan Stock and 1 share in the Probus Women’s Housing Society Limited
valued at £1) and the Restricted Funds £2599 (consisting of June O’Dell Fund £500, Young BPW
Fund £99 and Closure Fund £2000).
Looking forward, the Budget for 2022 has been prepared on the basis that we are investing in
our future to enable the organisation to grow so I have forecast for a deficit. Over the last two
years we have made a profit of £5485, so this year’s expenditure will use this profit and reduce
our general funds by £1074. The income is based purely on 2021 membership numbers so if num-
bers do not increase we are giving no false projections. Renewal fees will remain at £60 and stu-
dent at £35 for a further year. New members will continue to pay £75 and £35 for student. There-
fore projected income is £5738 and forecast expenditure is £12297 resulting in a deficit of £6559.
Expenditure for the year assumes a limited number of face to face meetings and allows for at-
tendance at the European Conference in Reykjavik for our President and Young BPW Vice Presi-
dent. The Marketing & Media budget includes the annual Zoom subscription, funding for the
amendments to the BPW UK website, advertising, creating new members packs and other promo-
tional material. The Membership budget includes funding for complimentary memberships & funds
towards the National Young People’s Public Speaking Competition. There is also budget for a
YBPW recruitment event and a Members Day as well as the June O’Dell and International Awards.
My thanks to Alexander Bell of Studholme Bell for examining the 2021 accounts.
Sue Holtom
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