Page 23 - BPW UK ANNUAL REVIEW 2021-2022 - PART I
P. 23

2021                2020            NOTE
                                                              £        £          £        £
                 Investments                                          3,691               2,001       2

                 CURRENT ASSETS
                 Debtors                                         735                 104
                 Stock                                            70                  70
                 Cash at bank                                 25,242              25,879
                                                              26,047              26,053
                 CURRENT LIABILITIES
                 Subscriptions in advance                        984               1,314
                 Creditors and accruals                           25                  15
                                                               1,009               1,329
                 NET CURRENT ASSETS                                  25,038              24,724
                                                                     28,729              26,725

                 GENERAL RESERVE
                 Balance brought forward                      24,126              20,645
                 Surplus for the year                          2,004               3,481
                 Balance                                             26,130              24,126

                 RESTRICTED FUNDS                                                                     1
                 Balance brought forward                       2,599               2,599
                 Transfers to Funds                                       0                   0
                 Transfers from Funds                                     0                   0
                                                                      2,599               2,599
                                                                     28,729              26,725

                                                          23     B P  W  U K   -  A NN UAL  R E  VIEW  2 0 2 1 ~ 2 0 2 2
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