Page 26 - BPW UK ANNUAL REVIEW 2021-2022 - PART I
P. 26
General Ring-fenced Total
£ £ £ £ £ £
Investments 1,691 2,000 3,691
Debtors 735 0 0 735
Stock 70 0 0 70
Cash at bank 18,584 99 18,683
19,389 99 19,488
Subscriptions in advance 984 0 984
Creditors and accruals 25 0 25
1009 1,009
NET CURRENT ASSETS 18,380 99 18,479
20,071 2,099 22,170
General Reserve
Balance 1 January 2022 26,130 26,130
Deficit for the year (6059)* -6,059
Balance 31 December 2022 20,071 20,071
Restricted Funds
Balance 1 January 2022 2,599 2,599
Transfers to Funds 0 0
Transfers from Funds (500)* -500
Balance 31 December 2022 2,099
20,071 2,099 22,170
Ring-fenced Funds
Balance Transfers Transfers Balance
01/01/22 to Funds from Funds 31/12/22
June O'Dell Award 500 0 500 0
Young BPW Fund 99 0 0 99
BPW UK Closure 2,000 0 0 2,000
2,599 0 500 2,099
* Total Deficit £6,559 with £6,059 coming from General Funds & £500 from Ring Fenced Funds
Investments: The investments consist of 1 share in Probus Women’s
Housing Society Limited valued at £1, plus purchased during 2021 £1,690
Probus Bond 3.5% 2023 Loan Stock. Also held in a National Savings Bond
26 B P W U K - A NN UAL R E VIEW 2 0 2 1 ~ 2 0 2 2 £2,000 (2019 £2,000).