Page 8 - California Woman Fall 2022
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The Women’s Room, which provides rental assistance, eviction help, showers,
         laundry service, vouchers for clothes, a food pantry and other services, also works to
         help people not become homeless. After lunch Sierra Mar had its annual Dessert Auc-
         tion fundraiser which netted $354 for the District. Secretary Maryann Wesson was the
         afternoon speaker and did a mini-workshop on public speaking.
                   East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW continues to be the only Club in the District
         having meetings. San Gabriel Valley BPW may start in-person meetings in September.
         The April 27th meeting was on Zoom with six in attendance and featured East Los An-
         geles-Montebello BPW member Yvonne Ng doing a program on the Boys and Girls Club
         of West San Gabriel Valley and the Eastside. The May 25th meeting was also on Zoom
         with seven in attendance.  Jill Franklin, Los Angeles County Department of Children
         and Family Services, talked on Los Angeles County’s Foster Children’s program.
                   Marjory Hopper installed the newly elected officers for East Los Angeles-
         Montebello for 2022-23: - President: Linda Wilson,- Vice President: Carol Sullivan,-
         Secretary: Karen Roberson, - Treasurer: Yvonne Ng.
                   Later, President Linda appointed Catherine “Kathy” Wills as the Parliamen-
         tarian. The June 22nd meeting was program planning for 2022-23. It was decided to
         change the regular meeting evening to the 4th Tuesday of the month – keeping it at
         Marie Callender’s, 209 S. Atlantic Blvd., Monterey Park. The June meeting was also on
         Zoom with six in attendance. East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW’s calendar for 2022-23
         is on the State website. Saturday, August 27th starting at noon was the annual fund-
         raising Patio Party at Marjory Hopper’s. There were 12 in attendance. It was an “old
         fashioned picnic” with hotdogs, baked beans, potato salad, fruit, vegetables and pies.
         Marjory had attendees play a game matching names of well-known (some better
         known than others) women and their accomplishments. There was also a donation
         drawing for books, jewelry, scarf and a basket of items. The Tuesday, September 27th
         meeting will start at 4:30 networking and 5:00 dinner and program at Marie Callen-
         der’s. CFBPW Bill Screening Committee member and East Valley BPW President Sally
         McMahon will talk about the seven Propositions on the November ballot. Tuesday, Oc-
         tober 25th meeting will be the annual “Woman of Achievement” program starting at
         5:00 P.M. at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 2009 S. Garfield Avenue, Monterey Park. This
         year’s honoree is Kathryn Foster, who is a community volunteer having served on the
         Monterey Park Museum Board, the Parks and Recreation Board, the Library Board and
         the Library Foundation Board. The Tuesday, November 22nd program will be at Marie
         Callender’s Restaurant and will feature a speaker from Planned Parenthood on what
         happens with the Supreme Court overthrowing Roe v. Wade. Tuesday, December 6th at
         5:30 P.M. will be the Christmas Party at Black Angus Steakhouse, 15500 Whittier Blvd.,
         Whittier. Gifts are for Boys and Girls Club of West San Gabriel Valley and the Eastside.
         The Tuesday, January 24th will be at Marie Callender’s Restaurant and will recognize

         our Young Careerist for 2023. ●

         Linda Wilson

         Sierra Mar District 2022-23
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