Page 5 - BPW UK ANNUAL REVIEW 2021-2022 - PART I
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I have been fortunate to be elected as the BPW UK President for the past year, and it has been super
getting to know more of you. Unfortunately, the resurgence of the Covid 19 virus has made it hard to meet or
to travel. But as we know we are nothing but the great adaptors and we have continued to embrace new tech-
nologies where needed.
Except of course where nothing but meeting in person can replace the day, I met PNP Stella
Rule at her home in Redruth. It was wonderful to hear about the issues which had been part
of her Presidency, some of which we are still advocating for today. Stella has been a mem-
ber who has continued that work and contacted her local Member of Parliament with the
letter in March that BPW UK had sent to all members concerning the issues that refugees had
trying to enter the UK from Ukraine. Stella was pleased with the reply she had, and I have no
doubt she will follow this up with him.
The revised FEC structure has worked very well, and I want to extend a very
large THANK YOU to each member of the team. Office Manager and VP for Membership
Ann Wiseall continues to give wise words to this new committee, which has earned her
the zoom name Ann Wiseowl. Thank you also to VP Media and Marketing Jackie Franklin
for her patience on all things in her brief; to our Treasurer Sue Holtom for ensuring the
banks and insurance companies are fit for purpose; to our VP YBPWUK Yasmin Knight
who is helping us all understand more about the way the future of BPW will be, but with
always one eye on our heritage. We have also made history with our first ever job share
on the FEC, VPs International Jacqui Mcloughlin and Ruth Galwey. Each new member
has hit the road running, and we have worked well together. Our VP Advocacy Liz Jowett has been a part of
the FEC for the last three years, and we thank her for the time spent on our behalf, whilst raising these issues
beyond our membership.
Finally, to the PNP Helen Ashworth who has continued to play an active part of the FEC and started the
green interest group and continues to be active with the green working group within Europe. Thank you, Hel-
en, no one predicted the pandemic in our job description, but we got there….
This year has all been about building a strong foundation for the post pandemic future of BPW UK. We
have missed having the last two annual conferences in person, and our zoom account has kept in contact with
many of our members. For those of them that did not have access to a more modern laptop or tablet the FEC
worked with the MEF to loan those members a device to be able to still be a part of BPW.
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