Page 9 - BPW UK ANNUAL REVIEW 2021-2022 - PART I
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The talks and events have provided a springboard for member recruitment and we have a number
of new members on board.
There are plans to provide a new member pack and this is being worked on with the Membership
Task Force. Some printed materials will be used and these may be used for marketing at events.
A small order of pens with BPW UK logo and details are being produced, again as a marketing tool.
Lastly the website. This is our major ‘window to the world’ and we have been working in the
background to update and renew the look and feel and introduce some new features. This has,
unfortunately been hampered by issues with our host company. This is now resolved and we are
moving to a new host company imminently.
This will allow us to create a new, modern and useful tool for marketing and membership.
The plans are to introduce PayPal to allow new members to join on-line and pay for the first time.
In time renewals will also be available through this route making the process more streamlined.
A number of a talks will also be available through the website for members only as well as other
innovative options.
In summary, this has been a hectic few months and the journey to build on our success has just
started. Our key aim is to retain and build our membership base and make BPW UK a vibrant and
exciting organisation to be part of. Your help is needed to do that so please let us have your
views on progress and plans for the future. This organisation belongs to you.
Jackie Franklin
Vice President Media & Marketing
5 April 2022
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