Page 10 - BPW-UK - E-news - Edition 103 - June 2022
P. 10

History 2002 – 2021  - brief notes

             2002 congress – Pat Harrison took the theme of World of Peace highlighting
             the initiation of the Security Council resolution 1325 which would change the
             world thinking from a World of Conflict to a World of Peace following on from
             the events of 9/11.

             The establishment of sub regional groups has helped communication and contact
             in the larger regions.

             In the mid 2000’s – the opportunity was introduced for more members to
             register and attend as observers at the CSW in New York, with BPW breakfast
             briefings and workshops to help members have a better understanding of our
             work with the UN.

             Italian as an official language was approved in 2005.

             In order to strengthen the international structure Antoinette Ruegg developed
             digital tools to manage data efficiently and also created a digital directory.

             Chonchanok Viravan was elected the youngest President and the first

             from Asia.
             Paddle steamers on the lake in Lucerne were used for the Farewell party in 2005.

             In 2006, Sylvia Perry was privileged to write the history of Project Five -0.

             During a visit to the Mexico Parliament in 2008, members of BPW International
             Executive were introduced to the Members of Parliament, an honour typically
             only reserved for Heads of State and Ambassadors.

             The decision in 2005 for an organisation review was the start of developing a
             long- term strategic policy, a modern constitution. At the 2008 Congress Resolu-
             tion 26 was approved for a task force to be set up to revise and streamline the
             governance and in 2011 in Helsinki, the simplified Construction was approved.

             Beyond 2000, “Helping Women to Help Themselves Award” was started by Chon
             chanok Viravan in 1997 and is now a major event and renamed as “Power to
             Make a Difference”.

             An Equal Pay Day awareness campaign was helped by BPW Germany and Swit-
             zerland developing their Red Bag awareness campaign to raise the profile. A
             number of Federations now make Equal Pay Day a key date each year.

             New initiatives started by Liz Benham in 2009 were a two day meeting, the
             President’s Summit now renamed as the Leadership Summit, held immediately
             ahead of CSW in New York and also the inauguration of the Dr Claire Fulcher
             Dinner to honour her 30 years dedicated service at the UN.  It was a special oc-
             casion in 2010 when it was combined with the 80 years IFBPW celebrations.

             WEPS, the Woman’s Development Principles introduced in 2005 offering guidance
             to business on how to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in
             the workplace, marketplace and the community.
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