Page 10 - BPW-UK-E-news-Edition 112 - May 2023
P. 10

Human Rights of Older People
                              Networking Conference, 28  April 2023

                     I was very happy to attend this event via Zoom on behalf of BPW UK.  It

            was clear from the outset that many issues exist re Human Rights for Older People
           and is a well-known and hotly debated subject

                              The first session was discussion on the subject
                       Towards a UN Convention on the Rights of Older Persons

                                     The current situation and next steps
                                       Alison Marshall (Age International),
                Dr Claudia Mahler (UN Independent Expert on the Rights of Older People)
                                           & Dame Philippa Russell DBE.

                      There is no dedicated Human Rights Instrument to represent the HR of the
            older person and discrepancies exist with access to health care in poorer countries.
            Finland is actively looking at the implementation of rights for Older Persons and will

            present findings to the UN.
                      There is also no dedicated framework on age discrimination which is usually
            based on the job market rather than through general needs such as women’s is-

            sues through ageing.  Older women are under represented and Dame Phillippa
           Russell DBE stated ‘that the perspective of lived experience needs a new narrative
            on age discrimination.  What will their lives be like.  We are invisible’.

                                           The second session was on
              Human Rights for Older People in the UK and in Europe post Covid 19
                       Professor Aoife Nolan (European Committee of Social Rights),
                         Helena Herklots (Older Peoples Commissioner for Wales).

                     In 2017 there was a promised resolution of Human Rights preventing exclu-
           sions and reviewing living income and discrimination on support.  Unfortunately,
           the Council of Europe has done little with a distinct lack of promotion.

                      At European level there is the social charter dating back to 1961
                               but very few countries are actually signed up to it.
           Covid revealed how prevalent ageism actually is and has resulted in reports of the
           over 70s not being offered resuscitation should they need it.  There were strong re-
           actions when this news leaked as a person’s rights were removed very quickly with
           little or no thought for the lifestyle or health of the individual as this blanket re-
           striction was forced on them.                                                                …/...
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