Page 13 - BPW-UK-E-news-Edition 112 - May 2023
P. 13

The 3rd YOUNG BPW International Asia Pacific Symposium

                                                        Taiwan 2023

                               ~Women Leadership: Thriving in A Post-Pandemic World~

                  On April 21st and 22nd, this event was held in Taoyuan City, in the heart of
        Taiwan. It was very interesting for me to attend, as the founder of this tradition in
        the Asia-Pacific Region during my Young BPW AP Regional Representative (2014-
        2017) term, and also the host of the second symposium - my first time to attend this
        symposium solely as a participant!

        The  host  and  the  current  Young  BPW  AP  Representa-
        tive, Chiahua Li had definitely gone over and beyond to
        prepare  for  the  occasion,  as  she  had  managed  to  ar-
        range for the city of Taoyuan to sponsor the event. We
        were in the local paper, video and photographing crews
        were around every session, and most of the registra-
        tion fee was completely waived for all Young BPW par-

                                               Of course, I believe this was a great opportunity for
                                               Taiwan to prove that they are capable of hosting an
                                               international  event  independently  from  mainland
                                               China, so why would they not sponsor us - which we
                                               know too well from the history and many UN-related
                                               occasions. Also, we did not see any marketing activi-
                                               ty  for  the  event  until  March/April,  when  they  must
                                               have  noticed  the  much  smaller  number  of  partici-
                                               pants than they had expected.

        Still, most of the sessions were very interesting, especially for any
        young women who were struggling to have the courage to become
        an entrepreneur, or even change their career to a completely new
        field, to those who may be concerned about their future selves as
        we are still expected to prioritize our roles as a mother/wife within
        the society very strongly in our region.

                                                                                          Otoha & Lizca in Taiwan

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