Page 5 - BPW-UK - E-news - Edition 120 - March-April 2024
P. 5

Friday at BPW Annual Conference held in
                                The Village Hotel, Filton, Bristol

                                Jacqui McLoughlin, BPW Northern Ireland

          After a mega early start from Northern Ireland, it was a treat to be met at Bristol  airport
         by Jo’s willing and capable chauffeur (Jeremy) and taken to the hotel just in time   for regis-
                   The MEF AGM was held first thing after our welcome from BPW UK President
         Jo Kinsey. This was a positive start to the day with news of some of the charitable donations
         given over the past year and the news that there is enough money in the fund to allow one
         more year of such donations before the MEF needs to conserve its remaining assets for
         BPW members.

                   Coffee and delicious chocolate flapjacks provided the sustenance needed to get us all
         back on track for the rest of the morning’s business.

                                                 The AGM was a lively and interactive affair with the re-
                                                 ports and activities of the   various Vice Presidents be-
                                                 ing discussed and highlighted. Once standing orders
                                                 were    adopted, the business of the constitutional
                                                 amendment to introduce the possibility of online voting
                                                 at the AGM and motion to allow asylum seekers to ac-
                                                 cess work during their wait for a decision on their appli-
                                                 cation to remain were both passed after debate.
                                                   President Jo and Panel

         Lunchtime allowed many friends to catch up and it was good to see and hear that buzz
         around the conference room and the lunch area.

                   The afternoon’s Public Speaking Competition was
         well attended and it was lovely to see our Sponsors
         (Ulster Carpets) represented on the judging panel. We
         were also pleased to have their former MD CLLR Richard
         Eddy and his wife Primrose, a long-time member of BPW
         and very vocal supporter of our Public Speaking Competi-
         tions, join us for the afternoon and to distribute the tro-
         phies to the winners.

                               PIP Sylvia Perry and CLLR Richard Eddy

         The day ended with our candle lighting ceremony and a very enjoyable dinner where the
         conversations and friendships continued until late into the evening. A good start to a suc-
         cessful Conference for BPW UK.
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