Page 1 - California Woman Fall 2022
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California Woman

                                                                       Fall Edition 2022

          First and foremost, this message:

                                                                                    Thursday,  25th August 2022.

                              Dear members,

                              This is to inform you that by decision of the Executive
                              Committee, the Fall Board of Directors will be held in a virtual

                              manner via Zoom.

                                  We apologize for any inconvenience this decision may cause you

                                  but, at this time, we feel it is for the best for all.

                                  With best regards

                                  Bessie R Hironimus

                                  President CFBPW

                       Not to worry, this CFBPW Full Board has now been
                    cancelled by Katherine Winans at the Coast Annabelle,

                                           including all reservations.

                     Next priority, please kindly return the following form

                   before the 26th September, 2022. Thank you!
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