Page 4 - California Woman Fall 2022
P. 4

6). Above all CFBPW has information on the CABPW Education Fund, Awards
            and Recognition (including Women of Achievement Awards, Young Professional
            recognition and 50+ year members of BPW) a message from CFBPW President and
            other information.

                  7). The Home page has the President’s Blog, which presently has important
            BPW dates for the year, information from the June 4th Leadership training, an ar-
            ticle on membership and more.

                  8). It is the Members’ Section, which has the most information. The password
            for the Members’ Section is CFBPW (all capital letters). On that page you will find
            the CFBPW Bylaws, Model Club Bylaws, Dues Transmittal Form, List of Officers
            and Chairs for 2022-23, information on membership recruitment, the membership
            grant application (yes, there are funds to help Clubs and/or Districts recruit more
            members), policies and procedures, CFBPW History and even a couple of pro-
            grams a Club or District could use.

        Please use the CFBPW webpage ( and submit information to this

        chair to keep it up-to-date. ●

        Linda Wilson
        Public Relations / Webmaster
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