Page 5 - California Woman Fall 2022
P. 5


                                                               RECEIVES BEQUEST

                   A  $1,000  donation  was  recently  received  by  the  California  BPW  Education
         Fund.    This  bequest  was  included  in  the  will  of  CFBPW  Past  President  Margo
         Kowalski. Margo, who was state president in 1991-92, passed away in January 2022.

                   As members are aware, CEF depends primarily on the generosity of our mem-
         bers  to  provide  funds  for  interest-loans  to  members  pursuing  their  educational
         goals.  This is a good time for members to consider including CEF in their wills and/
         or trusts.

                   Donations to CEF are also an excellent way for members, clubs and districts
         to honor the accomplishments of members.  When you want to give a gift to some-
         one  who  “has  everything”,  consider  contributing  to  our  education  fund  in  their
         honor. Memorial gifts live on long after flowers die.  Remember that donations to
         CEF are tax deductible!

                  Please support CEF and help our members achieve their educational dreams!●

         Rosemary Enzer
         CABPW Ed Fund
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