Page 7 - California Woman Fall 2022
P. 7

                   The highlight event of the reporting period was the celebration of our 100
         anniversary.  It was delayed due to the pandemic in 2020 but  fortunately an in
         person gala was held in 2021.  Two-time Past State President Trudy Waldroop com-
         piled our 100 year history in booklet form to preserve our legacy.  It is our hope
         that future members will build on that legacy and bring new skills to encompass
         diversity, global connectivity and human rights advocacy.

                The Federation has tied programs and projects to the Sustainable Develop-
         ment  Goals.    Historically,  the  Federation  has  emphasized  legislative  advocacy.
         Perhaps due to the pandemic, or because of the age and interests of newer mem-
         bers, community service and support is high on the action agenda.

                 The Burbank club organized a statewide drive to procure backpacks for fos-
         ter  youth  moving  onto  college  campuses.    This  was  prompted  when  members
         learned many foster youth simply move from placement to placement with only
         shopping bags.  In addition, we asked our members to donate school supplies and
         other items to the children of Dominica after they lost everything due to natural
         disasters.  Both efforts related to Goal #4, Quality Education.

                 Public relations and communications are provided via our California Woman
         newsletter.  Thanks to Michelle Husby, Sandy Thompson and Monique Lee for their
         editorial skills.  Our  website, managed by Bev Young and Linda Wilson, provides
         updated information to potential and current members and to interested commu-
         nity members.

                We  are  proud  to  mention  the  California  BPW  Education  Fund  (CEF)  which
         provides interest free loans to members and their immediate families.  The loans
         may be converted to scholarships based on certain criteria.  The Fund is supported
         mainly by member donations and has a balance of approximately $25,000.  Three
         women  are  currently  enrolled  in  University  programs  with  the  Fund’s  help.    A
         fourth one has received her degree and is now employed and beginning repayment
         of her loan.  This also aligns with Sustainable Development Goal #4, Quality Edu-

                  During this reporting period members reviewed our organizational structure
         and felt maintaining a District level between the State and clubs was essential to
         member support.  As of this submission, two of the four Districts, Northern and
         Bay  Capital,  are  planning  to  merge.    Their  final  plan  will  be  presented in  May,

                  This  President  took  office  in  May,  2022  with  the  theme,  “Taking  Action.”
         Our focus is to build membership with the goal of “Double or More by ’24.”   The
         first event for the new leadership team was a summer zoom training session.   The
         program included outstanding presenters and was a big success.  Our Regional Co-
         ordinator  Dawne  Williams  discussed  leadership;  Neelima  Basnet promoted  Young
         BPW; Dr. Trish Knight outlined member recruitment based on generational differ-
         ences and traits; Trudy Waldroop highlighted membership; and in a pre-recorded
         presentation,  Barbara  J.  Davis  highlighted  the  Lifelong  Leadership  and  Learning
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