Page 30 - BPW-UK ANNUAL REVIEW 2022-2023_Neat
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Following the success of the Grant-giving scheme devised for charitable causes, sponsored by
          BPW members, in 2021 we decided that we would continue the scheme in 2022 with members
          being reminded of this grant-making facility in September 2022.
          Prior to the end of 2022 the following Grants, all being for £1,000, had been made:
          Church Army Women’s Centre in London sponsored by Judith Webb; Revival Café and Rising
          Sun Domestic Violence & Abuse Service sponsored by Janet Henley; Maggie’s Centre Forth Val-
          ley, Clackmannanshire Women’s Aid; the 7  Stirling Scout Troop and the Lilias Graham Trust
          sponsored by Isobel Munro.

          Application Forms were sent to the South West Region; to Northern Ireland and to the BPW
          Executive following enquiries re possible Grants - these will be processed as soon as complet-
          ed applications are received.    As the MEF Committee have not met in person since 2019 eve-
          rything is now done online - completed applications are circulated and as soon as the majority
          of the Trustees approve, the Grants are paid by BACS.

          A Loan granted at the beginning of 2022 continues to be repaid as agreed at that time as you
          will see from the Annual Accounts for 2022.
          Throughout the year we have taken advantage of BPW mailings to remind members that we
          are here whenever they feel they are struggling financially and a small Grant or repayable
          Loan from MEF could make life easier for them but I have to report we have received no appli-
          cations for either a Grant or Loan in 2022. We would remind members that we are still here
          should they wish assistance, especially with the ‘Cost of Living Rise’, and applications are wel-
          come from all current BPW members.

          I would like to thank all the MEF Trustees for their work and support throughout 2022, espe-
          cially our Treasurer Janet Henley.    If you are unsure of who your Region MEF Trustee is then
          please see below:
          Isobel Munro, Chairman - BPW SYNE
          Janet Henley, Treasurer - BPW LASE
          Marianne Plavin, BPW NW&MI
          Jacqui McLoughlin, BPW Northern Ireland
          Anne Greener, BPW SYNE
          Karen Brickstock, BPW SEW

          The Trustees continue to work throughout the UK ensuring that funds held are used as agreed
          by the Charity Commission and in order for these funds to be used for these agreed purposes
          the Trustees must receive applications from members so if you or a member you know or a
          Charity you sponsor could benefit from such a Grant or repayable Loan (the latter available
          only to BPW members) then please get in touch either with your Region representative or my-
          self direct. ▪

          Isobel Munro, Chairman of Trustees - BPW SYNE

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