Page 34 - BPW-UK ANNUAL REVIEW 2022-2023_Neat
P. 34

Lucy  Cavendish  College  has seen great success following its first year of ‘new’ intake of
         all genders at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and from the age of 18 years rather than
         21 years for undergraduates. They have also enjoyed the benefit of new student accommoda-
         tion and facilities on site.  Growth continues with an expectation to reach 1000 students over-
         all in 2023-2024 to make it one of the largest and most diverse colleges in the University.

         The BPW Ruth Tomlinson Memorial Fund gives an annual award of up to £1000 for a student of
         the College with a disability. The Committee are pleased to announce that the awardee for
         2022-23 is Anna Redfern.

         We are delighted to include Anna’s tutor’s comments below:
         “Anna has had a recent injury to her finger  which has had an impact on her  ability to get
         around and partake in normal student life, requiring increased use of taxis to get around and
         support from friends. This has been especially challenging for her because she has other sub-
         stantial disabilities - visual and hearing impairments. She had several injuries last year too,
         before I was her Tutor, I think these were (at least in part) due to her visual and hearing im-
         pairments making situations more challenging for her to negotiate. Anna has an excellent atti-
         tude towards her studies and is really keen to make the most of her time as a student; she’s
         really committed and personable, and I’m sure this award would benefit her greatly.”

         And an update from Anna:
         I am currently studying Human, Social and Political Sciences, with the aim of completing a law
         conversion course. Given that I am both visually and hearing impaired, it is often difficult for
         me to complete extra assessments for internships alongside my degree. Therefore the award
         will go towards a trip to the Hague, during which I have organised to meet with Cambridge
         Alumni and individuals who work in the UN International Court of Justice and the Internation-
         al Criminal Court, as well as visiting the Dutch Parliament. This will enable me to experience
         some of the environments I intend to enter after my studies, as well as accessing networking
         that will improve my future employability; these are opportunities I would not have the privi-
         lege of partaking in without the generosity of the Ruth Tomlinson Memorial Fund.

         Anna has given her permission to use this in our Annual Review.

         The RTMF Committee considered Anna to be a very worthy recipient. ▪

         Ann Wiseall
         Liaison Officer

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