Page 3 - BPW-UK - E-news - Edition 109 - February 2023 with BELFAST AGM 2023 Flyer_Neat
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You all know that the FEC and Area Coordinators work very hard to put together
the Annual Review that you will receive shortly.
What would be wonderful is if you, our members, took the time to look it over
and raise any questions you might have. Not just on the finances (₤) I hasten to
add, but on all the other plans and activities reported there.
We are really looking forward so much to our first face to face conference since be-
fore COVID and it would be great to hear from our members as well.
If you could send any questions/comments/queries into HQ on
before 1 March then we can make sure we’re prepared with the answers.
Thank you so much for your continued support.
You are the lifeblood of our organisation.
Being a Positive Woman in 2023.
Sue Holtom
BPW UK Finance Officer
BELFAST— 10 & 11 MARCH 2023