Page 3 - BPW-UK - E-news - Edition 113 - June 2023_Neat
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As you know the key project for the Media & Marketing Working Group is to re-
fresh the BPW UK Web Site.
Things evolve and our software and previous hosting arrangement to manage the
website is now defunct which means we are no longer able to make amendments
or updates to our current site.
As those of you involved in any web site creation know, this is a long and complex
process to find the right software, host and developer as well as creating new and
fresh content.
Thanks to the support of BPW Members we are well on the way to our goal and
will be able to bring you further updates soon.
To whet your appetite this is our current site and below that a couple of options
for a refreshed ‘About BPW’ page.
An innovation will be to allow new members to join directly from the website utilis-
ing an on-line joining form and using PayPal as a payment method without having
to wait for contact from HQ to send out mailed joining forms.
Today’s web users want instant click through technology which we are hoping to
Please get in touch if you would like to help with any aspect of the new website.
Contact me:
Jackie Franklin
VP Media & Marketing