Page 7 - BPW-UK - E-news - Edition 113 - June 2023_Neat
P. 7
Do you have happy memories of trips, travel, or activities within BPW? As
we approach the annual celebration of the founding of IFBPW on 26 August 2023
we are asking members to share memories with us. Some will be published in the
next monthly Newsletter; others may be used in our social media or on the new
BPW UK Web Site when it is launched.
So, please e mail them to me at so that these can
be collated and used appropriately, with permission from you.
PIP Sylvia Perry and one of our newest BPW UK members recently met up
again, showing that friendships made within BPW endure time and distance. The
photo below was taken this month when Margo came to visit myself and Sylvia.
Margo has moved back from Canada to the UK, and we welcome her warmly.
Best wishes,
Jo Kinsey
President of BPW UK