Page 13 - BPW-UK - E-news - Edition 126 - November - December 2024
P. 13

Recognition  that  the  development,  deployment  and  use  of  emerging  technologies,  in-
                cluding  artificial  intelligence,  can  provide  many  opportunities  to  workers,  but  also
                poses ethical concerns and risks for their rights and well-being. They have recognised
                the necessary need to bridge digital divides, including halving the gender digital di-
                vide by 2030, prioritise the inclusion of people in vulnerable situations in the labour
                market, as well as ensure fairness respect for intellectual property, data protection,
                privacy,  and  security  as  AI  and  other  technologies  continue  to  evolve.  G20  has
                agreed to advocate and promote responsible AI for improving education and health
                outcomes  as  well  as  women’s  empowerment  and  encourage  consultation  with  the
                workers when integrating technologies. They welcomed the decision of G20 Labour
                and Employment Ministers to establish guidelines for the safe, secure and trustwor-
                thy use of AI in the world of work, in collaboration with other relevant workstreams.
                (Declaration paragraph 78)

             The Women’s Empowerment Ministerial met for the first time in Italy in 2021. The value
                of the Women’s Empowerment Ministerial advocating and promoting gender equality
                and the empowerment of women has been recognised. However, on this occasion it
                was not possible to reach consensus on the outcome statement.

             As in previous years the G20 Leaders have in many ways made clear their vision   and
                the  actions  they  will  drive  forward  to  accelerate  progress  towards  addressing  the
                evolving challenges and achieving gender equality across the G20 countries and be-
                yond. However, as we know the commitments made for change to happen will only
                be realised  if they are translated  into actions with measurable outcomes  and time-
                lines.  As  always,  there  is  much  work  to be  done  and W20  collectively  and  through
                country  delegations  will  continue  to  lobby  and  support  governments,  monitor  and
                track outcomes  and influence change. G20 Leaders have committed to address the
                global challenges and crises and promote strong, sustainable, balanced, and inclusive
                growth and leave no one behind. Addressing the inequalities that continue to persist
                has been recognised as part of the solution. Now more than ever it is important we
                speak out and keep the pressure on for gender equality. integrating gender perspec-
                tives into climate policies, STEM initiatives, and global governance reforms to name a
                few will pave the way for a more inclusive future

              South  Africa  is  the  host  nation  for  the  G20  in  2025.  The  theme  for  the South African
                Presidency – Solidarity, Equality and Sustainability. We will keep you posted on
                developments for the G20 and W20 in South Africa.

         Barbara Cleary
         22 November 2024
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