Page 5 - TheLeekLoserEdition_1
P. 5

 “If you want to see the Socialist Biden-Harris future of our country, just look at California. It used to be rich and beautiful, but my loser ex-husband and his Democrat accomplices turned it into a land of discarded heroin needles, riots in the streets, blackouts in homes, wandering bands of rapists, homeless encampments and endless fires caused by arson and unraked leaves.”
Breathlessly, she continued, “America, it’s all on the line. President Trump believes in himself and in me, Kimberly Guilfoyle. I have all of the attributes of a winner. I am capable. I am qualified. I am powerful.
I am gorgeous. I am connected. I chose the wrong life with a loser Democrat, but now I am back on track with the Donalds, my heroes. Stand with me and Donald Trump, the greatest president this country has ever had. Stand with Donald Trump who believes in God and can smell fake news a mile away. Stand with his hundreds of Secret Service agents who have guns and are not afraid to use them. He had the China Flu and miraculously recovered. He believes in pro-life and the death penalty. He has proof that climate change is a hoax. He deserves eight more years. Repeat after me:
Displaying outstretched arms with pronounced perspiration stains
on her dress, Guilfoyle screamed after each staccato burst until her voice became hoarse. After the remarkable performance, she bowed, revealing her mammary glands, and disappeared behind the podium.
This story will be updated if there is a repeat performance.

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