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 Aforementioned Section 7 also states that you are entitled to $750 on the date of this letter to provide appointee orientations and develop a transition directory. Any further disbursements must be requested in writing and approved by Johnny McEntee, the president’s executive helper. I remind you that Section 6 of the Act imposes reporting requirements on you as a condition of receiving services and/or funds from the GSA. I trust that you will be as forthcoming as I have been throughout this needlessly contentious process.
Lastly, I trust that you will finally remove the chip on your shoulder after reading this typewritten letter required by law. Please forward a notarized document delineating expenditures associated with your first GSA disbursement at your earliest convenience.
If you have questions, need clarification or translation services regarding the subject of this compulsory letter, contact Ms. Mary D. Gibert, my Apparent President-elect Transition Coordinator.
Emily W. Murphy
Emily W. Murphy
Boss Administrator
U.S. General Services Administration

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