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Another reporter asked if Sessions’ rule applied to abused asylum seekers with extraordinary abilities like the president’s wife who came
to the U.S. on an Einstein visa. “Well, that’s an entirely different matter,” Sessions responded. “Who can dispute the first lady’s incredible ability? No one has seen her, going on three months, which is not easy when you’re the wife of the president of the United States, and a critical part of our country’s Anglo-American heritage. That alone makes her a genius, her other endowments, ahem, notwithstanding.”
When asked if more restrictions on asylum seekers were imminent,
Mr. Sessions peered over reading glasses perched on the tip of his nose and read from prepared remarks, “We need to build that wall, we surely do. Abused ladies are not going to caravan in here or stampede our border. The president and I are working on an immigration system both of us can be proud of. We can’t, and we won’t just let any abused lady waltz into the United States of America whenever she likes.”
This story will be updated as new information becomes available.