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A White House source disclosed this morning that President Trump fired Homeland Security Secretary and blonde bombshell, Kristjen Nielsen. She was seen smiling as presidential advisers, Jared Kushner and Stephen Miller who were smirking, escorted Nielsen from the Oval Office this morning.
The president blamed Nielsen for being an uncooperative woman and for a resurgence of migrants at the border. His decision came two days after their joint visit to the border where they appeared in press photos to be on friendly terms. In one photo, the president made a move for Nielsen’s hand, as he infrequently does with his third wife, Melania.
Purportedly, the president was envious and upset that Nielson had been in London and Paris the previous week, meeting and partying with Group 7 security staff. She cut her trip short to join Mr. Trump in California on Friday, but he is known to carry a grudge so it was no surprise that Nielsen brushed his hand away when the president reached for hers.
Three days earlier, without notifying Secretary Nielsen, Mr. Trump rescinded Ronald Vitiello’s nomination to head Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), claiming that he wanted a “real tough hombre” for the job. Vitiello is a former U.S. Border Control agent and was Acting Director of U.S. Customs and Border Protection
at the time of his resignation. He presided over a massive increase in migrant detentions and family separations, which resulted in children being caged and force-fed English.