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 rumored that the huge upcharge will fund the “doctor’s” personal liability insurance premium. Louise disclosed that the “doctor” did not want to risk his long-sought career in the event that he inadvertently shared information about the president’s condition that was not endorsed by the president or his personal attorney general William Barr.
Louise also shared the fact that president Trump was not a reader, which prompted Dr. Siegel to choose the WAT test. The test does not involve complete sentences or comprehension, which made the doctor’s task easier, but not without risk. In preparation for the telehealth evaluation, Siegel moved to an undisclosed location outside New York, secured an unlisted phone number and email address. Until reactions to his performance blow over, Dr. Siegel will receive Secret Service and ICE protection, in the event that Nancy Pelosi or foreign nationals challenge what is expected to be a very favorable medical assessment.
According to Dr. Siegel, “When we are afraid, fear hijacks our brain and we don’t think rationally. Mr. Trump is fearless, yet his brain is still in danger of being hijacked. The goal of this telehealth visit is to disprove this baseless theory of Mr. Trump’s brain once and for all.”
This story will be updated after attorneys are consulted.

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