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Earlier in the day, Twitter flagged the president for misleading the public about his immunity and posted this disclaimer next to his upbeat message: “This Tweet violated the Twitter Rules about spreading misleading and potentially harmful information related to COVID-19.” When he learned of the flag, Trump was furious, according to a source on the White House staff who overheard the president bellowing, “I alone can taken down their business. That’s a threat and a promise. I’m THE PRESIDENT!!! They’ve got THREE DAYS to apologize and be nice to me, or I’m gonna put Bill Barr on their case. You just watch!!”
Anderson Cooper wrapped up the presser with a final question, “Mr. President, what do you have to say about the rumor that your wife Melania is interested in running for president in 2024?
The president’s face instantly went from orange to bright red. His eyes bugged out, appeared as large as saucers and he started shaking. With some effort, he extended his arms and gave the assembled journalists thumbs down. He opened his mouth and appeared to be talking but no words came out. As journalists began to exit the pressroom, the president stood immobilized as if hit by a bolt of lightening.
It is possible that he will be immortalized in that position.
This story will be updated as Melanoma reveals more information.