Page 28 - The Donald Dictionary_2
P. 28

Tanzania /tan-ZĀNE-ēē-ah/ n. a country in East Africa named after English singer and songwriter Zayn Malik whom Donald idolizes for his dirty, raw sex song, “Pillowtalk.” See YouTube.
Thailand /THĪGH-land/ n. a country in Southeast Asia whose women have fantastic thighs. Ask Donald.
TikTok /TICK-TOCK/ n. an App that showcases American author, comedian and global sensation Sarah Cooper who impersonates, lip syncs and mocks a person whose clock
is almost done ticking.
tolerate /TOWEL-er-āte/ v. the act of shielding one’s eyes while Donald towels of after his midmorning shower.
totalitarianism /total-eh-TARRY-is-um/ n. a form of government that does not drag its feet when it comes to coercion, repression and prohibiting individual freedom.

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