Page 30 - The Donald Dictionary_2
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Venezuela /ven-en-SWĀY-lass/ n. country on the northern coast of South America under Donald’s sway after he nicknamed its president “Trump of the Tropics.”
veterans /VET-er-anz/ n. great, great people who are serving or have served in the military, unlike draft dodger Donald Braggart Bonespurs who trumpeted his avoidance of sexually transmitted diseases.
Viagra Falls /VĪE-agra-falz/ n. city in Upstate New York that Donald cannot get enough of.
vocabulary /vō-CAB-you-LARRY/ n. a pamphlet of 121 words used by Donald, far exceeded by Larry whose words ill volumes.
vain /VĀNE/ adj. conceited, haughty, boastful, arrogant, cocky; denotes Donald from every point on the compass.