Page 29 - The Donald Dictionary_2
P. 29

Ulysses S. Grant /you-LUSH-us-s-grant/ n. lithe, quick and nimble American soldier and 18th President of the United States who led the Union Army and won the Civil War. Contrary to a South Carolina high school history teacher in 1966, there is little evidence that he was a lush.
uncle /YUNK-el/ n. a man whose niece, a clinical psychologist, wrote a scorching tell-all book about her YUCK-el and their toxic family. See Mary Trump, Amazon.
United States /United-SHĀTES/ n. formerly the much- envied United States of America, now relegated to the past tense of “shit.”
unprecedented /UN-PREZ-eh-DENTED/ n. slang for a man who is demented and certainly not presidential; added to the U.S. political lexicon on 22 January 2017.

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