Page 53 - Mission PRC Leisure Guide Fall 2024 Winter 2025
P. 53


            Guidelines to ensure a safe & fun time at the Mission Leisure Centre.

                     RESPECT FACILITY RULES                                   CHECK THE WEBSITE
                     Observe and follow all facility rules and regulations    Schedules change and incidents arise. Prior to
                     posted throughout the Mission Leisure Centre.            your visit, please check for the
                     These rules may include guidelines on behavior,          most up-to-date information regarding your visit
                     equipment usage, and safety protocols.                   to the Mission Leisure Centre.

                     APPROPRIATE ATTIRE                                       WE CARE ABOUT YOUR SAFETY
                     For safety and enjoyment, proper attire and
                     footwear defined by the activity and area is             & ENJOYMENT
                     required to enjoy our facility.                          Please see staff regarding any compliments,
                                                                              concerns, suggestions, or issues related to
                     PERSONAL BELONGINGS                                      the centre's operations or facilities. Customer

                     25¢ refundable wallet lockers are located at             feedback forms are available at reception
                     reception. Larger 50¢ non-refundable lockers are         or email to
                     located in the change rooms and in the arena             provide feedback.
                     lobby. Valuables are left at owner's risk and if
                     possible should be left at home.                         SERVICE DOGS
                     SAFETY AND EQUIPMENT USAGE                               In accordance with the British Columbia

                     Use equipment and facilities as intended and             Human Rights Code and the BC Guide Dog
                                                                              and Service Dog Act, registered guide and
                     with proper care. Report any damaged or                  service dogs are welcome at Mission Parks,
                     malfunctioning equipment to staff immediately.           Recreation & Culture Facilities.
                     BIKES AND WHEELS
                     Bikes, scooters, roller skates, roller blades and        SCENT FREE MAKES SENSE
                     skateboards are not permitted in the Mission             Help us keep the air we share healthy and
                     Leisure Centre. These items can be locked up out         fragrance-free. Please use unscented personal
                     front on the racks provided at owners risk. Please       care products and avoid the use of perfume,
                     bring a lock.                                            cologne, aftershave or other fragrances.
                     EMERGENCY PROCEDURES
                     Familiarize yourself with the centre's emergency   CODE OF CONDUCT
                     procedures and evacuation routes in case of an
                     emergency by reading facility maps and signage   We strive to ensure that all persons are treated with
                     throughout facility. Follow staff instructions in   Dignity, Respect, Honesty and Fairness. It is everyone's
                     such situations.                             responsibility to report witnessed misconduct. Behaviour
                                                                  will not be tolerated, ignored or condoned if it is:
                     PARKING AND SPEED LIMIT                         ■ aggressive, offensive, abusive or harassing.
                     Park only in designated parking areas. Do not
                     block access points or emergency exits. Parking     ■ interferes with another person's enjoyment of the
                     lot speed limit is 15kms/hour. No overnight     recreation facilities.
                     parking without a valid permit.                 ■ unsafe to the person or others around them.
                     SMOKING OR VAPING                               ■ impedes staff's ability to conduct business.

                     Smoking and vaping is prohibited on City property.    ■ Together we make all recreation safe.
                     Bylaw 5143-2010
                     Please Note: Risk is inherent in recreation activities. You should be prepared to accept these risks as an integral
                     part of participation in any and all City of Mission facilities, parks and events. Liability waivers (or informed
                     consents for minors) must be read at time of registration for most activities.

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