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466    Chapter 11 Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations

                            Taking an example of more modest scope, we consider two equations with two auxiliary
                         conditions. Let x and y be two functions of t subject to the system

                                                x (t) = x(t) − y(t) + 2t − t − t  3


                                                y (t) = x(t) + y(t) − 4t + t  3
                         with initial conditions

                                                          x(0) = 1
                                                          y(0) = 0
                         This is an example of an initial-value problem that involves a system of two first-order
                         differential equations. Note that in the example given, it is not possible to solve either of
                         the two differential equations by itself because the first equation governing x involves the

                         unknown function y, and the second equation governing y involves the unknown function x.

                         In this situation, we say that the two differential equations are coupled.
                            The reader is invited to verify that the analytic solution is
                                               t        2                         2
                                        x(t) = e cos(t) + t = cos(t)[cosh(t) + sinh(t)] + t
                                        y(t) = e sin(t) − t = sin(t)[cosh(t) + sinh(t)] − t 3
                            Let us look at another example that is superficially similar to the first but is actually

                                                  x (t) = x(t) + 2t − t − t 3

                                                   y (t) = y(t) − 4t + t 3

                         with initial conditions

                                                          x(0) = 1
                                                          y(0) = 0
                         These two equations are not coupled and can be solved separately as two unrelated initial-
                         value problems (using, for instance, the methods of Chapter 10). Naturally, our concern
                         here is with systems that are coupled, although methods that solve coupled systems also
                         solve those that are not. The procedures discussed in Chapter 10 extend to systems whether
                         coupled or uncoupled.
                         Taylor Series Method

                         We illustrate the Taylor series method for System (1) and begin by differentiating the
                         equations constituting it:
                                                                  2   3
                                                  x = x − y + 2t − t − t

                                                  y = x + y − 4t + t 3

                                                  x = x − y + 2 − 2t − 3t

                                                  y = x + y − 8t + 3t 2

                                                  x = x − y − 2 − 6t

                                                  y = x + y − 8 + 6t
                                                  x  = x − y − 6

                                                  y (4)  = x + y + 6

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