Page 3 - Owen Dowling
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                                                             Product Design Innovation

                                       ABOUT ME                                                                                         SKILLS & GOALS

                                      Hi I’m Owen Dowling and I’m a young designer studying                                           I possess many skills such as teamwork, sketching,
                                      Product design innovation in Institute of technology                                            graphics and many more. I use these skills in order to
                                      Carlow. I see myself as a creative thinker with a pas-                                          create innovative ideas, plans and products. Using
                                      sion in model making, sketching and graphics.                                                   these skills I have set goals for myself and as a
                                      Growing up I always loved model making, Sketching and                                           Designer. I plan in graduating as a skilled designer
                                      making things look nice. I am an outgoing person who                                            from IT Carlow with the aim of getting a job in the
                                      strives to produce the best work I can. I have a keen                                           design industry. With this, I aim to make the best
                                      interest in sports, technology and traveling when pos-                                          impact I can on design.
                                      sible. Ive a passion to leave a mark of design on this
                                      world that will help myself or other in some sort of

                                                    Linked in                                                                                   Product Design Innovation

                                                                                   Institute of Technology Carlow

                                   DESIGN SKILLS

                                                                                          Adobe Photoshop               Sketching             Adobe Illustrator            Workshop             Solidworks                                 1
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