Page 40 - Owen Dowling
P. 40

Regulatory Requirement’s

                                                                         Traders selling any electrical equipment that is designed for use with a voltage rating of between 50 and 1,000 volts for
                                                                         alternating current and between 75 and 1,500 volts for direct current should be aware that, as of June 2016, there are new

         Electrical Equipment Regulations…                               Regulations with which they must comply.

         Are you in compliance?                                          The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) is the market surveillance authority in Ireland for safety of

                                                                         non-food consumer products covered by certain EU Directives including the Electrical Equipment Regulations.

                                                                         The Electrical Equipment Regulations, which replaced the Low Voltage Regulations, de ne the role of a manufacturer,

                                                                         importer, and distributor in the supply of electrical items and place speci c health and safety duties on each.

                                                                         A ‘manufacturer’ is de ned under the Regulations as any individual or business established in the European Economic
                                                                         Area that either manufactures electrical equipment, or who has electrical equipment designed or manufactured, and

                                                                         markets the resulting product under their name or trademark.

                                                                         The following is a non-exhaustive list of a manufacturer’s responsibilities:

                                                                         - Manufacturers must ensure that electrical equipment they place on the market has been designed and manufactured
                                                                         in accordance with the safety objectives referred to in the Regulations,

                                                                         - They must ensure that a conformity assessment is carried out and draw up the technical documentation as speci ed

                                                                         in Regulations,
           Manufacturer obligations

                                                                         - The manufacturer is responsible for drawing up an EU Declaration of Conformity and for a xing a CE mark to the
                                                                         product in accordance with European Directive and Irish regulations,

                                                                         - They must ensure that the type, batch, serial number or other elements allowing its identi cation is placed on the
                                                                         product and that the manufacturers  name, registered trade name or registered trademark and a single contact postal
                                                                         address is marked clearly on the product,

                                                                         - Ensure that products are accompanied by instructions, safety information and labelling that is in clear and intelligible

                                                                         - Most importantly, if the manufacturer has reason to believe that the electrical equipment they have placed on the
                                                                         market is not in conformity, they must take immediate corrective measures to bring it into conformity, withdraw it or
                                                                         recall it and immediately advise the CCPC.
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