Page 33 - HSoS_V3_30-5-23
P. 33
Product Design
Fig 5.7 Sketchpad Title Page for Submission
Card backing ĬºĂʼnyÈʼnĉĈćÌ´ʼn
®y¬ĭ Create a Title Page (project title/code, name, Design Carlow ÖµÈÈyʼn®ººĝʼnS Y]ʼn®ººĝʼnÅȺÈy´´ʼnÒ¡Ò®ĝʼnyÒʼnºʼnÌÖ
´¡ÌÌ¡ºµĜĭ Table of Contents ĬyÅÅ®¡y
ºº¬Ìĭ A4 Durable Spine bar. (colour appropriate to year excluding èyÈʼnċʼnâ Èʼnâ¡ÈʼnÌÅ¡Èy®ʼn
¡µ¡µʼn¡ÌʼnÈÇÖ¡Èĭ All work produced on the programme is a representation of SETU and Design Carlow. The
A3 layout paper Acetate cover A3
a. b. c. ʼn d. e. f. ʼn
ʼn ʼn
format for all the sheets in the presentation. This is also the case for page
Fig 5.5 Katie Smullen Case Bridging Study 2016
Fig. 5.6 Considering The Layout
sizes. Stick with a size and never mix. Here are some examples of dos
project. When choosing an orientation it is better to remain with that
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and don’ts regarding presentation layout and orientation.
2 The sketchbook is the most important component of any design project. When submitting it for assessment it must be of a professional standard.
5.4 Submission of Sketchwork
5 Use the checklist opposite when compiling sketchwork for submission.