Page 36 - HSoS_V3_30-5-23
P. 36
6.2 Design Conventions Radius r 85 Diameter
All dimensions are in Metric m, cm, mm
Acceptable Scales for Product Design (Note: If another scale is require ensure it is divisible
by 2, 5 or 10)
2:1 1:1 1:2 1:5 1:10
0 170
Third Angle Projection
Visable Line -
RGB Colour Coding Brand Guidelines
Hidden Detail -
DesignCORE Red Please consult the SETU brand
Centre Line - R 152 G 0 B 46 guidlines booklet downloadable
from (bottom of page)
85 DesignCORE Grey
Dimmension Line -
R 109 G 110 B 113
Social Media
Break Line -
First Year
R 141 G 198 B 63 #designcarlow
Section Plane - A A
Second Year
R 247 G 148 B 29
Branded (Design Carlow / SETU)
work can only be uploaded to social
Sketch Arrows Third Year media once cleared by a staff
R 27 G 117 B 188 member.
Forth Year Personal work cannot use either
R 102 G 45 B 145 brand without prior clearence.
Pointer for notation or Iteration Arrow to show Movement