Page 42 - Tania Chaves
P. 42
Productivity Comfort Professionalism
"Telecommuters work on average, No stressful commutes (average Professionalism’ is commonly
17 more days per year than office commute person spends 200 hours understood as an individual’s
workers" annually getting to work). adherence to a set of standards,
code of conduct or collection of
Home / Work life balance and Since covid-19 a lot more people qualities that characterize
workspace environment are key are interested to work from home accepted practice within a
influences on an individual's in the long term and in the future particular area of activity.
productivity, workflow and as they are very comfortable
motivation. working from home. "The skill, good judgment, and
polite behaviour that is expected
from a person who is trained to
Money Isolation do a job well."
Employee contributions fell by 11 Symptoms of isolation cause
per cent and employer increased stress levels, bad Connectivity
contributions by 5 per cent decision making and lack of The quality, state, or capability of
between Q1 (January to March) focus. being connective or
and Q2 (April to June). connected connectivity of a surface
Loneliness is most harmful when especially the ability to connect to or
If you are working from home, you chronic and normalising remote communicate with another computer
may be eligible for tax relief on working makes it much more or computer system
expenses like light, heat, difficult to fulfil ones needs of
telephone and broadband. connectivity and may also lead to
a misjudgement of character, life
skills and work ethic.