Page 17 - Mark O Neill
P. 17
Final Renders 14
The final renders shown demonstrate
the use of both Newsons design quali-
ties along with keeping a lot of the
Audio Technica aesthetic. The use of the
floating hinge design on the headphone
was influenced by Newsons (chair
design). This influence was also repli-
cated in the desing of the speaker
handle. Sticking to Audio Technica’s
colour pallet, A simple use of black
tones with some brushed aluminium de-
tailing was opted for. on both the head-
phone and speaker, a mesh detailed
finish was also applied, taking refer-
ence from Audio Technica’s large micro-
phone range. This detail adds and ele-
ment of quality to the headphone, and
allows for the consumer to see within
the product and observe the internals of
the headphone. Overall, the design of
the products fit well within the Audio
Technica, whislt still showing aesthetic
influences taken from the work of Marc
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