Page 25 - Fredo Eyong
P. 25


         Project 13: Co-design Collaboration


             B ackgr ound                                                                                                                      Chosen Sect or

         S inc e the  v ery  fir st da y s o f   2020, our  e v ery da y  liv es                                                          People who’ve experienced loss

         ha v e been gr adually  a ff ect ed b y  the C o vid-19 pandemic.

         E v ery  aspect o f  ho w   w e liv e,  w ork, socializ e, in t er act,                                                     collectively map out the systems/ecosystems people that have been impacted by
         shar e  and appr ecia t e the  w orld ar ou nd us has chang ed.                                                              and have developed adapted strategies to COVID-19-related lock-down, within

         S cienc e  will deal  with the most  se v er e impac ts  in time.                                                           their professional and/or non-professional lives.

         H o w e v er  the pandemic has r e v ealed  vulner abili ties and                                                           Take on a research subject (user), from within your family/friendship network.
         pr oblems in the   w a y   w e liv e, some o f   which ma y  per sist                                                       Engaging an ethics-based approach to data collection

         f or  some time, or  ma y  alt er  individu al  e xperi enc e s  in the fu tur e.                                           • Engage and narrate subject’s lived experience as impacted by COVID-19-related
         I ndividuals had  t o r espond and adjust t o their  incr easingly

         e v olving landscape in an  e ff ort  t o o v er c ome ne w  r ealities.                                                     • Engage subject in a co-design session, to identify a specific area suitable for Design-led

         I n the endemic futur e o f  C o vid-19, D esign can be a                                                                      intervention.
         c onstructiv e t ool tha t enables indiv idu als no t only  t o                                                             • Sketch and explore provocative, emotional & playful solutions, which address subject need.

         function and surviv e,  but  t o partic ipa t e and suc c e ed in  lif e ,                                                  • Propose solution.

         w ork and pla y  b y  engaging pr o v oca tiv e, emo tional and pla yful pr oducts.


         . Employ design & co-design method to find a user-centric solution.

         . Collaborate with primary users in the context of their issues.

         . Incorporate research ethics in the collection and interaction of user data.
         . Investigate provocative, emotional & playful approaches to designing solutions

         to challenges and interactions in the real world.Creative problem-solving; by sketch, visual & model.


         a. Early learners,

         b. Home-carers,
         c. People of physical/social disadvantage,

         d. People who’ve experienced loss,

         e. Older Adults.
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