Page 21 - Fredo Eyong
P. 21
Carbon Fiber is a polymer, also referred to as graphite fiber. This was the most challenging finish to replicate, after a good number of attempts, then
It's a very sturdy stuff, which is also very lightweight. Carbon fiber definitively getting the desired finish by perfectly mixing the various paints, was an amazing
is five times stronger than steel and twice as rigid. While carbon journey and learning experience.
fiber is stronger and stiffer than steel, it is lighter than steel; making it
Manufacture and Application
the perfect manufacturing material for many components. Carbon fiber is
made of thin, strong crystalline filaments of carbon that is used to strengthen carbon fiber is very popular in many industries such as aerospace,
material. Carbon fiber can be thinner than a strand of human hair and gets its automotive, military, and recreational applications. Carbon
strength when twisted together like yarn. Then it can be woven together to form fiber is made from a process that is part chemical and part
cloth and if needed to take a permanent shape, carbon fiber can be laid over a mechanical. It starts by drawing long strands of fibers and
mold and coated in resin or plastic. then heating them to a very high temperature without
allowing contact to oxygen to prevent the fibers from
C omposit e burning. This is when the carbonization takes place,
which is when the atoms inside of the fibers vibrate
Carbon Fiber violently, expelling most of the non-carbon atoms.
This leaves a fiber composed of long, tightly inter-locked
chains of carbon atoms with only a few
non-carbon atoms remaining.
. Bike frames
. Aircraft Wings
. Automotive drive shafts
Sample Image
1.1 1. Step 1. . Containers
Mold the swatch to desired . Propeller blades
List of Materials . Car components
Step2 Why it was chosen
. White Primer Apply 4 coats of primer and dry sand I chose this material finish because it is
. Clear Laccer the Swatch each time. extremlyversatile and revolutional
2. 3. Step3
. Jet Black Spray Paint an can be use in every product.
From the 5th – 9th coat, wet sand the
. White Gloss Spray Paint
Swatch until its smooth.
. Matt Black spray paint
. Silver Spray Paint Spray two coats of Matt Black Spray paint of the
. Alluminuim Spray Paint Swatch and let it dry for 25-30 min.
. Shelf Liner 5. Step5
place shelf liner on the Swatch and spray silver at a 45* angle, then
apply clear Lacquer and let it dry for 20min. Place liner on Swatch and
spary white gloss at a 45* from a distance. Take off liner and Lacquer the
Replicated Finish Swatch. Place liner, spray Alluminuim at 45*, then apply Lacquer. Let dry for 24h.