Page 35 - Orlaith Byrne
P. 35

Material Surface Finishes

          Polymor; Yellow ABS

                       Description:                                                                                                                                                     Original

                       ABS (Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) is a common thermoplastic polymor typically used for
                       injection moulding applications.


                        I chose to replicate ABS because of its popularity and my interaction with it everyday. I

                        decided to take refernce from a yellow suitcase I own with intersting molding details.


                       ABS has a high tensile strength and is very resistant to physical impacts and chemical
                       corrosion, which allow the finished plastic to withstand heavy use and adverse conditions.

                       Applications + Samples:

                                Suitcase                 Safety Helmet                 Level                     Ear Defenders             Tape Meaure

                       Replication Process:

                                                   Step 1                     Step 2                      Step 3                     Step 4

                                            Sanded the acrylic to         Used the milling                                   Sprayed the surface with
                                            achieve a smooth base        machine to create           Primed the surface.        yellow spray paint.
                                                to work with.           grooves in the acrylic.                                                                                          Final Result

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