Page 36 - Maeve Whelan
P. 36
A Device for Teacher
This would be a small device held by the
child during their online class. There are
buttons on the device that the child can
press when their feeling overwhelmed
during the lesson.
The device is connected to the teachers
computer, and when pressed informs
only the teacher that, the specific child
is overwhelmed.
An Electronic Journal and
Educational Device
A Board Game
A fun device where children can record
A game piece that children and their how there day has gone, rating their
parents can play together. Its main pur- day out of ten or with emojis, which is
pose would be to get the children to then recorded. They also can write an
talk about how they are currently and entire about their day or concerns.
get them more in-tuned with their emo-
tions. The device also has iconic games on it
that can be connected to their friends
Encouraging children to talk more about device so they can play games with each
their feelings and worries can help their other without being near each other.
parents guide them thought the current
times. It is also used as a device for school
work, using gamification to encourage
kids to learn.