Page 60 - Ken O Brien
P. 60
Section 1: Research
Following an intensive period of on-line research and brain storming,
I identi ed three possible niche areas within the leather belt market.
These included the following:
1. Leather running belts for use by long distance runners during their race training preparations.
2. Leather tool belts to be used by tradespeople while working on site.
(These could be customised to the speci c trade. E.g Carpenter, Electrician, Plumber, Painter etc.)
3. Weight Lifting belts for use by both men and women during their physical workouts at the gym
To determine the most commercially viable product area among the above options, I conducted
comprehensive market research for each category. Through diligent analysis, it became evident that
Leather Weightlifting Belts possessed the highest potential and o ered a promising opportunity for
a successful and commercially viable product that would likely succeed in the market.