Page 65 - Ken O Brien
P. 65
Customer Insight
The target customer for this new product is a regular Gym enthusiast who values their appearance and wants
to achieve and maintain a strong physique. This customer knows the bene ts of weights training and under-
stands the protection a orded by a high quality weight lifting belt. The target customer is also style con-
scious and so is attracted to the idea of a premium quality, personalised weights belt. This cohort of custom-
ers are reasonably a uent, attend gyms regularly and socialise with people of similar interests. They are the
type of customers that purchase designer branded tness clothing and footwear. These target customers
struggle to nd high quality belts that are personalised and di erentiated from the common brands for sale
in most sports outlets.
From my detailed research into several di erent niche areas of the leather belt sector, I have determined that
there is a commercially viable business in the manufacture and distribution of personalised, premium quality
leather belts to this target customer base. I strongly believe that there is an opportunity for a company to
solve these customers’ problems by manufacturing and distributing designer type, personalised weight lift-
ing belts. The company that seizes this opportunity could capture a signi cant market share within Ireland
and beyond by producing and marketing a quality range of highly
personalised Weight Lifting belts.