Page 60 - fredo Eyong
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Chapter 06: Final Atefact
                Final -Arterfact- Brand
    REJUVINATE    W  RELATIONSHIP Indirect, as Nike  lives through its  influences users’  VA
                Global authority in the
                sports and fitness
    Tagline: “Shine up your life”  products.  its wide range of athletic   Innovation  Empow
  SHINE UP UR LIFE WHY  HOW  WHAT    O  apparel. shoes and shoes and
                     To empower individuals with SAD
  BRIGHT UP YOUR LIFE (Purpose)  (Mission)  (Positioning)  Direct and   Calm provides mental
     a lifestyle  choice.
    Empower users to prioritise
  LIGHT UP YOUR LIFE transform lives by  Rejuvinate exists to  promoting healthy  habits  se
     embracing the
    ule.  encorages daily outdoor
    breaks, fostering physical
                     reduces feelings of isolation, and providing
                     fostering a sense of community, which
   and routines.  activity,reducing stress, and   one step at a time  mental health.  insigh
    boosting overall health.
             personal, as  Direct and   Headspace provides  mental health support  through e
                health and wellness
             directly influence  Headspace’s tools  users’ mental   mindfulness tools. medita
  LOGO & G.LINES  06  TYPEFACE07  08
    Light up your life  In our branding and guidelines,   R251 G176 B64  R216 G242 B5  R236
               we use Comfortaa for body text
               Comfortaa’s smooth, rounded
    REJUVEN ATE  and Rubik for headings.
         R EJ UVE N ATE Light up your life  letters echo the harmonious
               visual rhythm on the page. Rubik,
        to our users, symbolizing a renewal of spirit and vitality. The ‘X’ in our   sounds
        The name ‘Rejuvenate’ encapsulates the transformative journey we offer
               with its geometric and slightly
        innovative wellness, marking a spot for positive change. Our tagline,
   Light up your life RE JU VEN ATE  RE JU VEN ATE Light up your life  logo stands for the i
             REJUVEN ATE
        ‘Light Up Your Life,’ is an invitation to brighten one’s daily experience,
               bold, attention-grabbing
                   the app with a specific purpose in mind. The app is designed for
               headings. Together, they balance
        (SAD) or irregular work schedules to embrace the outdoors and establish
        reflecting our mission to inspire those with Seasonal Affe ctive Disorder   RUBIK  co
        beneficial habits. The tone of voice for ‘Rejuvenate’ is encouraging,
               aesthetics and readability.
                   who work unsocial hours, to encourage them to spend more time
                   outdoors, rejuvenate, and build positive habits and routines. Orange
        community where everyone feels motivated to improve their well-being.
        optimistic, and supportive, mirroring our dedication to fostering a   symbolizes ent
   REJ UVEN ATE  REJ UVEN ATE  motivation. Lime green represents renewal and growth, alignin
                   goal of rejuvenation. Yellow, the colour of sunshine, is associated with
                   sense of stability and grounding. This vibrant and energetic palette was
    Light up your life
                   and energy, encouraging positivity and outdoor activity. Black adds a
   Light up your life
                   chosen to inspire users to engage more with the outdoors and foster
        Our brand, ‘Rejuvenate,’ is founded on the principle of revitalizing the human spiri
        nature and the establishment of healthy routines. The ‘X’ in our logo is not just a
        crossroads where change happens, where old habits are replaced with new, life-affirm
        tagline, ‘Light Up Your Life,’ is a call to action, urging individuals to seek the l
        whether they’re affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or grappling with the
        working hours. ‘Rejuvenate’ is more than an app; it’s a lifestyle choice. It’s for t
        themselves, to find balance, and to thrive in all aspects of life. Our tone is one of
        encouragement, and unwavering support. We’re here to guide our users on their journe
        vibrant life. We believe that by fostering a community centred around wellness and p
        collectively illuminate the path to well-being. ‘Rejuvenate’ is not just a name; it’
        beacon of hope for our users.
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