Page 57 - fredo Eyong
P. 57

Chapter 06: Final Atefact
                Final -Arterfact
    In the final design of the app, I focused on enhancing the user experience by
    incorporating a few minor yet impactful features. You can see these updates in
    the Figma prototype. One of the key additions is a carousel of parks, which
    allows users to swiftly browse through various options. It’s a simple way for users
    to explore different parks without navigating away from their current screen.
                   SCAN ME
    Furthermore, I introduced some animations to the app. These are not just for
    visual appeal, they serve a dual purpose. Firstly, they keep the app interactive,
    making the user experience more engaging. Secondly, they act as a feedback
    mechanism. For instance, when a user performs an action, the animation
    confirms that the action has been recognised or being processed by the app.
    Throughout this process, I made sure to retain the core identity of the brand.
    There were no changes made to the brand elements, ensuring the continued joy
    and familiarity and trust associated with the app. The goal was to enhance
  Research and Design Project
    functionality without altering the essence of what our users have come to love
    about the app.
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