Page 3 - The Passionate
P. 3

Psyche's beauty was heard far and wide

          by  people.  Some  even  said  that  even  the

          beautiful goddess of love like Venus couldn't

          compare to her. It made the goddess Venus

          very dissatisfied and ordered her son Cupid

          to shoot a love arrow at Psyche to make her

          fall  in  love  with  the  most  dreadful  creature

          on  earth.  But  when  Cupid  met  Psyche  for

          the  first  time,  he  fell  in  love  with  her

          himself.  With  the  fear  that  his  mother

          would  know  the  truth,  Cupid  secretly  lived

          with Psyche without letting her see his face

          and  came  to  see  her  only  when  she  was


                                                                                          As the days went by, Psyche wondered

                                                                                    what  her  husband  would  look  like.  She

                                                                                    decided  to  peek  at  his  face  because  of  her

                                                                                    curiosity  and  the  encouragement  from  her

                                                                                    sister.  She  held  the  lamp  and  lifted  it  close

                                                                                    to him. But, the candle wax dropped on him.

                                                                                    Cupid  then  woke  up  in  shock  and  furious.

                                                                                    He said, “Love cannot live where there is no

                                                                                    trust,” and then flew away.  Psyche  had  set

                                                                                    out  to  look  for  her  husband  but  could  not

                                                                                    find him anywhere. Finally, she went to the

                                                                                    temple of the goddess Venus and begged her

                                                                                    for  help.  The  goddess  gave  her  four  tasks.

                                                                                    All of them were missions that were difficult

                                                                                    for humans to complete.
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