Page 21 - Womanition_Alberta_North_2020
P. 21
Embrace Failure – Immobilize Fear – Enhance Fulfillment
Christina Louise Photography
You must be the change you want to see in the world.”
This quote from Gandhi is so meaningful because it leads us to ask: How will I manage change and adversity when it is presented to me? My answer is
change begins in the mind! Change can be exciting and fun! Begin your path to a more fulfilling life experience with a discovery session and create a future of your
choice by working in the present. So, how can I help?
Life presents opportunities for growth by introducing change into our lives. Opportunities may show up as challenges, problems, or adversities. We may “perceive” these changes as problems with no possible solutions and overlook the opportunities for growth.
We seek solutions from external sources, such as other people or a change of environment. By doing so, we fall into victimhood and play a blame game by
thinking if others would change, we would be happy. If we had a different job, different spouse, lived somewhere else, we assume we would be happy. We fear
failure and the shame and guilt we think will accompany it and become stuck. By simply shifting beliefs around failure and believing it necessary to
embrace living an empowered life, we open options that we may have perceived to be out of reach. Failure is critical to success. When we fail, we create opportunities to move forward. We learn what is not working and what needs
to change. We seek internally for answers and we become the owners of our lives.
We own our feelings and understand fear is normal, natural, and necessary. Managing fear is a skill and any skill practiced regularly moves us from a
conscious incompetence to an unconscious competence. We learn to live in the moment, live in gratitude for every experience presented to us. The sky is bluer, the grass greener and we experience more genuine joy and meaning
to life.
Being presented with challenges of change in my life makes it possible to
deeply empathize with my clients. I have also learned it requires a dedicated effort and open mindedness to achieve results. Life will happen to us and it is
more about how we manage what happens to us than trying to control what happens to us. It is a choice and one life truth - the only thing that does not change in life is the fact that everything else does!
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TRanSCEndEnTSELF CHangE OPTIMIZaTIOn 780-915-4162