Page 2 - THE EGO Ivy Informer Volume 3 Issue 4
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THE EGO Ivy Informer
education, advocacy and financial support, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. continues its support of higher
Basileus Corner
Soror Wilma J. Ruffin Written by Mitch McCrimmon
I am often reminded of how some of us
are never satisfied with what we have,
therefore, I decided to share passages
and quotes from the article “Being
Happy”, Written by Mitch McCrimmon.
Try thinking of your life as a dream holiday. Suppose you won the most fantastic,
luxurious two-week holiday you can imagine. Would you let yourself enjoy only the
first week of your holiday and then spend the second week feeling sorry for yourself
because your holiday had to come to an end soon? This is what some people would
do. They get increasingly grumpy because they feel their time is running short, but
they spoil half their lives by letting themselves feel this way.
Instead, try living your life like this…
Every morning when you wake up, try telling yourself that your dream holiday has
just been extended by another day. Tell yourself how lucky you are to have whatever you have and make up
your mind to enjoy your day. Try to make it a special day, have some fun and make someone else feel good.
The fascinating question is…why do so many people choose to maintain a negative attitude toward their lives?
A tendency to be dissatisfied with the present and to take for granted the good…excessive dissatisfaction is
self-defeating and a recipe for unhappiness. Here are a few reasons why this happens:
• Things we have gained or done well are easily taken for granted.
• We can readily see lots of ways that things could be better, how we could be happier.
• Seeing what we don’t have is painful and hence more visible.
• Feeling that others are better off than us induces envy, anger and resentment.
• To protect our self-esteem, we blame others or circumstances for our fate.
• We get more negative than positive feedback because people react more strongly to things that annoy them.