Page 9 - THE EGO Ivy Informer Volume 4 Issue 1
P. 9
Article by Tonya Wood and Sonya Davis Dillard; Photos by Sonya Davis Dillard
The Membership Committee sponsored the New Member Orientation Workshop
on March 10, 2018 just prior to the Monthly Chapter Meeting. This event, led by
Soror Sonya Dillard and the Reactivation and Transfer subcommittee, is an in-
formative activity. Following the greetings from EGO's Basileus, Soror Wilma
Ruffin, Protocol tips were presented by EGO's Hodegos, Soror Yvette Evans,
Introduction to Targets was provided by EGO's Program Chairman, Soror Rhon-
da Thompson, Digital Diva 101 was discussed by our IT Chairman, Soror Lor-
raine Lacy and Mentoring Moments was briefed by the Membership Committee
Co-Chairman, Soror LaFreeda Jordan. Soror Dawn Stanley, Lead, Sister to Sis-
ter Subcommitee of the Membership Committee, introduced Mentees to Mentors
and Soror Tonya Wood, Chairman, Membership Committee gave the final re-
Fifty-five sorors were in attendance at this event! We had a great time.
After the introduction of each newly reactivated and transferred soror mentee to
their mentor, all attendees were given pretty pink bags filled with treats!!!