Page 10 - THE EGO Ivy Informer Volume 4 Issue 1
P. 10


       Article by Daphne Thurman; Photos by Daphne Thurman

                                     Shine Bright Like a Diamond

      A Visit with Soror Evangeline Spillman.   Soror Evangeline
      Spillman was born April 15th and is a proud member of Alpha
      Kappa  Alpha  Sorority,  Inc.  She  was  initiated  into  Beta  Alpha
      Omega Chapter in 1942.  She is a Charter Member of Epsilon
      Gamma Omega Chapter in Huntsville, AL.  She has been a Soror
      in the Sorority for over Seventy-five years which makes her our
      Diamond Soror. Wow! What dedication, love, & sisterhood she
      has given to the Sorority.

      The Sisterly Relations Committee recognized the lovely Evange-
      line Spillman with a bouquet of pink tea roses filled with love
      and sisterhood for one of such a sophisticated personality. Since
      Soror Evangeline could not attend the Sorority meeting on 3-10-
      18, I, Soror Daphne Thurman-Sisterly Relations Chair, decided
      to take her roses to her in person. Oh what a treat that was for
      Soror Evangeline.  I brought her another surprise-my family.

      Oh what a wonderful time we shared just laughing, talking, and
      taking selfies!  She told us that she use to always take selfies.  I
      asked Soror Van, (her chapter nickname) what is a typical day like for her.  She summed it up with three words
      “eating, eating, & more eating.” She gave my husband some words of wisdom, “you better hold on to that one or
      someone will snatch her up.” We ended the visit as she politely walked us out & said, you all have really made my
      day & you have to bring your son back, since your husband dominated the conversation! We graciously stated that
      we will be back as she is now a part of our family. On behalf of the  Sisterly Relations committee I want to encour-
                                                      age all of you to “Shine Bright like a Diamond-like Soror Van.”
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